Some Ideas

#1 by DennisLovesSassi ( deleted ) , Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:49 pm

i will show u here some of the ideas that i have in my head for insim.


- Busted / Escape counter
- Cashflow should be lower (the half) [for jobs and driving] NOT FOR BONUS!
- Private messige in Server ( maybe i try with Spunks and Bies Idea, also with "!phone USERNAME" -> open a chatbox with buttons.)

about our Cop system i would tell you guys.
the complete cop system, i will recode.
becasue i dont know where the Spamming bug is.
and than i will tell u, i tried and tried than i got it, i tried another way this way wasn*t working.
and than i didnt knew how i did it working.!

Also i please you all for understand me,
i will try to code it so soon as possible.. :)

Tell me what you think about my ideas pls

Dennis and Sassi. :)


RE: Some Ideas

#2 by skullhead , Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:54 pm

nice ideas!!!

[CCS] Skullhead
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RE: Some Ideas

#3 by BiesPL , Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:38 pm

Cashflow should be lower (the half) [for jobs and driving] NOT FOR BONUS!

as you know i "reseted" my account and started again from zero.
I did it because i don't like the situation where i earn for ex. 500-800k money every day with bank bonus, and with driving only 15-20k.

So i made a test and started from UF1 again. I only drove for bonuses and was making jobs. I didnt use bankbonus.
After 5 days i allready have 120k + XRT and RB4.
It's possible to get GTR car in first week of driving on our server.

If we make something with bankbonus, then driving and jobs money is ok

XFR Cruiser
Posts: 126
Date registered 12.11.2010

RE: Some Ideas

#4 by DennisLovesSassi ( deleted ) , Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:18 pm

and what about changing bankbonus to 1% at all.

and changing the other money too.. ?

also u are eright i did it too i sould all my cars without uf1 && xfg and puttet all my money in bank now.
im only driving jobs in uf1
and testinmg and we need to change something there.


RE: Some Ideas

#5 by BiesPL , Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:28 pm

Yes 1% is good. But not 1% + 1% + 1% + 1% + 1%.

And Dennis i sold all my cars and gave all money to insim not to bank

XFR Cruiser
Posts: 126
Date registered 12.11.2010

RE: Some Ideas

#6 by DennisLovesSassi ( deleted ) , Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:38 pm

i know bies i know..

but i wanna buy maybe a good car if iam at home for g27 but on keybopard is jobbing in uf1 great ^^

and one question mnore..

what about a job more , also " deliver to the Worker of Bobs Carshop "

and i think i will code if iam at home.



RE: Some Ideas

#7 by La Felda Di Hohla , Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:36 am

+2 @all2 :)good idears

[CCS] H-Car
[CCS] Owner and Server Admin

La Felda Di Hohla
Posts: 89
Date registered 12.11.2010

Last edited 01.07.2011 | Top



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