- 06.05.2011:
- Last online
- 03.13.2011:
Post created (happy b-day)
happy birthday ;)
- 03.11.2011:
Post created (German's +++Thread)
ich habs getan.... von dem scheiß billigteil hin zu einem logitech ;)http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...e=STRK:MEWNX:ITschnäppchen ;)
Post created (Names of locations)
appelmoes = Apfelmus/jabłkowym/applepureei love it too freak ;)
- 03.10.2011:
Post created (Names of locations)
yeah do it!!!
Post created (Names of locations)
Rocky´s Area :P
Post created (Names of locations)
i would a place with my name =(
Post created (Music)
shut the fuck off! thats not music.... music is feeling...THIS IS MUSIC!!!!
Post created (Names of locations)
but admins must have an own place ;)
- 03.09.2011:
Post created (Music)
bies want my video here... my video with music from bies himself \w/
Post created (Names of locations)
Burger King and MC Donalds , Skully´s Carshop , Frank And Tom´s (for DennisAndSassi)...
Post created (Apply For [CCS] Membership JAGG)
+2 from me too. but he´s a freak :P
- 03.05.2011:
Post created (Full 550 km bonus!)
nice one ;) wie oft warst inner box? xD
- 03.03.2011:
Post created (German's +++Thread)
tow ist ein englischer ausdruck für "bergung". es gibt leute aufen server, wie ich z.b die Towservice mitglieder sind. wenn du halt mal sparen willst und nicht !pitlane machen willst forderst du halt mal einen Towservice (sofern einer on duty ist) an und der hilft dir in der regel mit günstigeren preisen allerdings musst du trotzdem noch schaden reparieren lassen.Gruße Ralf
- 02.22.2011:
Post created (NEW INSIM)
jagg pls make your pic smaller... maximum is 800x...
Post created (NEW INSIM)
and my cars? hm i had all cars and 6800km... 6800*20=136.000