Officer application [ON TRIAL]

#1 by Pitbull , Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:39 pm

hello [CCS] Team my name is roland
Game name:Dnt pitbull
Reason why u wanna be officer: i wanna become a officer to help make the server save and help out the players.
I have experience of being a officer i whas one in LSC and now i would like to try it in [CCS] whit ur aproval

Greetz Pitbull

UF1 Cruiser
Posts: 1
Date registered 01.01.2011

Last edited 01.02.2011 | Top

RE: Officer application

#2 by skullhead , Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:03 pm

Hey Roland

Nice text and reasons. We Giving you 14days for trial, in this time we have a big eye on you. after the 14days we make a decision.

We Wish you a nice trialtime and a lot of fun.

In Order H-Car (Frank) and Skullhead (Ralf)

[CCS] Skullhead
[CCS] Towservice
Official Teamskinner And Forummaster

Posts: 66.784
Date registered 12.01.2000



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