Survey: Should we make the limit for KM for gtr´s lower?

The survey is completed.

Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#1 by skullhead , Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:43 am

Berni Wrote this...

Like i suggested on server: Wouldn´t it be a fine solution to set the GTR limit to 3000km?

Problem is that many cruisers got the FZR, but after server change not the needed distance. In my opinion driving 5000km is a bit too hard. I have the feeling that we would loose many trusted old cruisers if we hold on with the new 5000km rule.

Ur thoughts gentlemen?

now i created a ne thread with voting

[CCS] Skullhead
[CCS] Towservice
Official Teamskinner And Forummaster

Posts: 66.784
Date registered 12.01.2000

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#2 by Berni25 , Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:55 am

Voting done!^^

RB4 Cruiser
Posts: 29
Date registered 12.13.2010

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#3 by koning ( deleted ) , Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:47 pm

vote for 3000


RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#4 by BiesPL , Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:14 am

So the poll ended 5-5.

I think the best option is 4.000 km then

XFR Cruiser
Posts: 126
Date registered 12.11.2010

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#5 by La Felda Di Hohla , Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:32 pm

ok tom then 4k km

[CCS] H-Car
[CCS] Owner and Server Admin

La Felda Di Hohla
Posts: 89
Date registered 12.11.2010

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#6 by skullhead , Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:19 pm

4k km is ok ;)

[CCS] Skullhead
[CCS] Towservice
Official Teamskinner And Forummaster

Posts: 66.784
Date registered 12.01.2000

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#7 by koning ( deleted ) , Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:56 pm

Good solution i van live with it;) frank van u fix it or who can code this?


RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#8 by La Felda Di Hohla , Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:24 pm

i think on this evening we change it ok

[CCS] H-Car
[CCS] Owner and Server Admin

La Felda Di Hohla
Posts: 89
Date registered 12.11.2010

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#9 by koning ( deleted ) , Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:43 pm

ok tnx mate:D


RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#10 by Berni25 , Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:01 pm

4k is a great compromise! Well done guys! :-)

RB4 Cruiser
Posts: 29
Date registered 12.13.2010

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#11 by La Felda Di Hohla , Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:58 pm

ok hi @ all we have change it now but not on the carshop atm sorry for it but we work @ timeon a new insim

[CCS] H-Car
[CCS] Owner and Server Admin

La Felda Di Hohla
Posts: 89
Date registered 12.11.2010

RE: Voting For Reducing KM for GTR´s

#12 by La Felda Di Hohla , Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:37 pm

ok carshop is changed 2
regards frank

[CCS] H-Car
[CCS] Owner and Server Admin

La Felda Di Hohla
Posts: 89
Date registered 12.11.2010



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