hi @ all
we have do change anythink on the insim @ the serverdowntime.
INSIM changes:
1. New carprices with distance kms recquired for GTRs
2. Car sell price is now 50% buy price.
3. Jobsystem for all cars beside formulas and MRT.
4. New job payment deppends of distance
5. New jobs bonus prices
6. New !showoff function
7. Added notes about distance while making driving bonuses
8. DIstance recquired for CADETS is now 2500 km.
7. Pitlane costs 1000€ now; wrong way in pits 500€; doctor is 1500€.
8. New bankbonus initial rate
9. Maximal Lotto win is now 1000€
10. Prices for repair, tires change and refueli are higher now.
ok thats all thx for your interrest
ccs team :)