Hey Everyone.
i have to tell u some bad news.
also im waiting since 4 or 5 days for the Owner of the Root server where our CCS server is hosted.
but he dot comed online and i waited into nights and days, at girlfrined and at home.
in school online with mobile. he didnt comed on.
so now our Cruiser named \"Haze\" did a offer to me, he will host us a forum for that he is paying and he will host our lfs server(s)
so but i dont have any access to the other root atm and the personwho is wning is offline since a week.
and allbacku files are in the server.
so i an only host server with new stats or maybe i can find the backup files from befor getting licence system.
that means u ill have stats from 2-3 weeks ago but i cant refund everyone im sorry for this but it isnt possible becasue i cant trsut everyone who is telling me that he had lost money.
but i really hope that you guys will come back to the server if i host our servers in a other root.