Server rules

#1 by BiesPL , Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:10 pm

Server Rules:

1. Be nice and friendly; respect all other cruisers.
2. Drive on the right side of the road.
3. Do not ramm/crash/bump other cruisers.
5. Appologise when you hit somebody.
4. Revenge ramming is strictly forbidden.
5. Always pay fines to police and don't complain about it.
6. Do not follow or interfere Police chases.
7. No swearing and name - calling.
8. No spamming in the chat.
9. Blocking messages is not allowed.
10. Using offensive contents which may offend other cruisers is strictly prohibited.
11. Using cheats or hacks always leads to ban.

XFR Cruiser
Posts: 126
Date registered 12.11.2010

Last edited 01.02.2011 | Top



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