
#1 by Itchy , Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:46 pm

Hi there!

My name's Mika and I'm from Finland. I'm 35 years old, laid back guy who works as an graphic designer. I've already seen some familiar names here and on server, so some of you may know me already from before.
My favourite hobbies are music (I'm an amateur musician also), drawing, Photochopping, cooking, PC and console games, target shooting and shooting out some weird humour.

I tumbled on CCS server today and I found it already a nice place to cruise. For your disappointment I must warn you that you'll gonna see me around more often from now on. :D

I'm looking forward to have some great cruising on CCS server and meet awesome people around.

See ya!

UF1 Cruiser
Posts: 1
Date registered 12.28.2010

RE: Itchy

#2 by BiesPL , Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:07 am

Hi Itchy and welcome to CCS. See you on the track

XFR Cruiser
Posts: 126
Date registered 12.11.2010



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