My stats canceled(((

#1 by PandaMan , Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:07 pm

I've been playing on this server in december last time. And have some good stats. But today, i found that i'm newbie again(
What happened? Is it possible to backup it?

UF1 Cruiser
Posts: 2
Date registered 01.18.2011

RE: My stats canceled(((

#2 by koning ( deleted ) , Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:21 pm

im sure there is an explanation sit back and wait untill u got an explanation if u dont get one contact me and send me a pm (private message)




RE: My stats canceled(((

#3 by BiesPL , Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:00 pm

You'r account will be restored PandaMan.

Duo to new licence system we needed to edit all accounts and we did it with users connected only at 2011.
If your last connection was in 2010 it could happend that account was cleaned duo to update.

XFR Cruiser
Posts: 126
Date registered 12.11.2010

RE: My stats canceled(((

#4 by PandaMan , Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:13 pm

I'm in! Thanks!

UF1 Cruiser
Posts: 2
Date registered 01.18.2011



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