Hello [CCS] team, my name is: A-Men Nickname: DNT#22 A-Men Age: 24 reason: I think im good as officer for everyone. I think i got the skills to do it cuz ive bin for an long time officer on the lsc server.
hi guys is this maybe an idee? When an cadet/officer going to chase someone that the suspect an flashing light in his screen get that the police is chasing him? it look nice to me but ill dont know if it is posseble
ok i hear in the server the max fine is 1800 Euros. So nobody knows how it real works. Maybe u guys need to finish an good fine list like i make. I dont play cop when its not finish. I like the server but i dont like half of rules that nobody knows. So i ask to make an good finelist so that verybody knows how it real works and plz make a little hurry ty.
Hi guy; Im at the monent an new cadet but im an old offiser of LsC and i saw u use the same finelist as they are so i want to post the finelist but with this one u can easy look how it works lets begin: FinesList: 1) Speeding - 50 Euro per instance 2) Wrong Side - 100 Euro per instance 3) Dangerous Driving - 100 Euro per instance 4) illegal Parking - 50 Euro per instance 5) Running for cops - 250 Euro per instance
Max fines in conditions: Condition 1: 0 Euro - 500 Euro Max Condition 2: 500 Euro - 1000 Euro Max Condition 3: 1000 Euro - 1500 Euro Max Condition 4: 1500 Euro - 2000 Euro Max Condition 5: 2000 Euro - 2500 Euro Max + illegal Parking = 50 Euro (but i never use this one when im in chase)
Hope this list help u guys to get the right fines when u are in chase